The Mighty Fellblade now with transfers
Plastic iconography is an additional challenge to get right because when you start weathering it can look pretty poor if not done properly. Conversely with transfers, weathering enhances them and helps them look "painted on".
The process was relatively straightforward: 1) spray the armour plates with a gloss varnish 2) coat with the blue micro set 3) attach transfer 4) coat with red microsol. 5) leave for 10 hours, 6) spray with purity seal 7) get it under a hair dryer ASAP 8) done!
The purity is not on yet: once that is done this model will be ready to take up for my second painting course. I'm going up for 1 day to learn some more weathering techniques and make this beauty look as if it's seen 10,000 years of war.
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