Imperial Knight: House Hawkshroud

The Imperial Knight is probably one of the highlights of my hobbling career to date in terms of the fun I've had in building and painting this model. What is more, I really think that GW have exceeded themselves in what they've done with this model too.

I picked House Hawkshroud because I really liked the idea of painting up yellow armour (a colour I hadn't really had a chance to use in large qualities before given my Dark Angels core army). However I did also really like the fluff of these boys; in that they swear oaths to Imperial allies and will fight with them for long periods of time, either dying with their allies or returning back home to a fan fare of glory.

The knight was effectively completed in 3 stages:

  1. Skeleton built and painted
  2. Armour plates painted
  3. Armour plates attached and detail/transfers added.
The skeleton is primed in chaos black, based in lead belcher (do not underestimate how much you need!) and then given two separate washes of Nuln Oil first, followed by Agrax Earthshade (let the two washes completely dry!). The pistons are then painted in a lighter silver colour and then I've added a little Sepia to the tops and bottoms of each piston to show off a little lubricant on the moving parts. Other details are also picked out.

The armour plates are coated in white as I felt that this would allow the yellow to stand out a little more. The armour is completed as follows:

  1. Yellow areas a based in Averland Yellow (you'll need 2 coats), recess washed with Agrax Earthshade, and then highlighted with Ushati Bone - I could have put an additional highlight of Pallid Wyche flesh which I may re-visit another time
  2. Black armour is based in Abaddon black, recess washed in a wash of Rhinox Hide and Lahmium medium, then highlighted in Dawnstone. Again I could have used a two level highlight using Mechanicum Grey first, followed by Dawnstone potentially
I'm pleased with the final results and will be looking forward to building my next Lancer version very soon I think. 


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