Empire - Knights of Nuln

This has been an off and on project for about five years. The sheer volume of models - 210 painted miniatures - means that some some have been done to a fairly basic standard, but the army still looks pretty impressive when its laid out on the table top.

I chose Nuln because the very basic black and red colour scheme would allow most of the work to be done by the base coat. Painting black properly is actually quite difficult - as I'm finding with the Ulthwe eldar - but I got round this by not making the attempt to paint it properly. The black uniforms have been left unhighlighted and unshaded and there is enough detail on the rest of the models that this isn't a problem.

Would I do such a large army again? No way! Firstly, it's a challenge to maintain your interest across such a large project. Secondly, warhammer fantasy has far fewer players now, probably because the requirements for models are so onerous, and as a result its hard to get a game. Thirdly, because the project took so long to complete it gave GW time to hit the army with the nerf bat twice - once with a new edition and once with a new army book. This means that big chunks of the army became relatively inefficient before it even reached the field, which is dispiriting and a major part of why it has bloated to such a high model count. Still, it could be worse; my beastmen army is just as large and if the rumours are correct it won't even be supported soon.

Team Photo

Heroes of the empire

Greatswords - note the musician who is many shades paler than his companions; this is why I'm never using GW's purity seal again

Inner Circle Knights

Demi-gryph Knights


General of the Empire



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