Ultraquick Ultramarines

The Ultraquick Ultramarines were a Christmas present for one my nephews. There were a lot of minis to do and a very short space of time to do them in, so I opted for painting them in flat base colours and then using dip to do the work that would usually be done with washes and highlights. This also had the advantage that the minis would be varnished and would stand up well to robust handling.

The paint scheme consists of:

  • Primed with Chaos Black. 
  • Using an army painter spray or the new GW colour sprays would have saved oodles more time. However, I chose to apply Ultramarine Blue (now Altdorf Guard Blue) as the main armour colour. Most people seem to use this as a highlight as its quite light, but these guys were going to be covered in black dip so I stuck to light colours to keep them from looking too grungy.
  • Guns, armour articulation, vehicle tracks and so on were done in Leadbelcher.
  • Eagles and other insignia used Balthasar Gold
  • Crux Terminatum were done in Mechanicum Grey and then drybrushed with Celestra Grey
  • Skulls, purity seals and so on were painted Screaming Skull and writing was applied with a pen
  • The wax on purity seals and the casings for some of the heavy weapons were done in Mephiston Red
  • Bases were textured with Stirling Mud, and then dry brushed with Mournfang Brown, Balor Brown and then Screaming Skull. Edges were finished with Steel Legion Drab.
  • The arrows on the top of the rhinos were marked out using masking tape and then painted base white. All of the vehicles also benefited from extensive application of the rather brilliant Forgeworld Ultramarine transfer sheet which really helps to lift the models up a level.
  • Then finally the entire model was brushed with dark tone army painter dip and the sprayed with matt spray. The exceptions were heads without helmets. They were painted on the sprue in Ratskin Flesh, washed with Reikland Flesh-shade and then drybrushed with Bestigor Flesh. They were the glued to the completed model.
Assault Terminators

Team Photo

Landraider - the dip struggle a bit with the larger models, causing some uneven pooling. Will use a larger brush for application next time and pay more attention to removing the excess.

Forgeworld doors and transfers help to lift this rhino up a level

The cloak is ivory - deliberately steered away from red cloaks on the heroes as its a bit too superman for my liking

Base is Mechanicum Grey, drybrushed with Celestrs Grey

Tactical squad


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