Imperial Knight Phase 3

Well - things are moving on nicely right now.

Since the phase 2 update, I've:
  • completed all the highlighting and shading on the armour panels
  • Applied most of the transfers.
Yellow armour panels were covered off in phase 2, so for the black armour panels I did the following:
  • Firstly I applied an edge highlight of Dawnstone grey on all armour panels.
  • I then created a wash using Rhinox hide and water (Lahmium medium would also work) and applied this to all the recesses in the black armour. This gives the effect of a little bit of rust and dirt. I'm using this rather than Typhus Corrsion because I didn't want to go ballistic on the highly corrosive look.
The next stage was the application of the transfers. The full technique that I used mirrored the technique showcased on Youtube by Duncan from Games work shop i.e:
  • Painting a layer of 'Ard Coat on all the armour panels to create a completely smooth surface
  • Applying the transfer
  • Paint a layer of Lahmium medium over the top to seal the transfer and revert the panel back to a matt finish
This is a great technique to use because some of the Knight transfers a quite large and difficult to apply so the technique made things pretty easy.

The hardest transfer to apply has actually been the Dark Angels Symbol!!. The reason for this is that Modern Dark Angels Transfers only come in white...which really doesn't work on a white background.

I therefore had to apply a white vehicle transfer on the shoulder pad, and then used the pattern to paint a free-hand logo after I had re-applied the Lahmium medium. The effect is not 100% crisp, but I'm actually quite liking the fact that this almost resembles a free-drawn painting.

There are a few more transfers to apply to personalise the knight, and after this, I'm going to start working on weathering the knight. I could stop where I am, but I would like to add a few cracks in the armour plates and I'm also tempted to give the forge world weathering powders a go as well.

The model also needs its base complete too.

Here are the WIP shots at the end of Phase 3.
Still a few more transfer to add on knee pads, gun shield, chain sword. Also needs a few more campaign-type decals on the white shoulder pad. I've also got to paint the hanging flag

Really pleased with how the eyes are coming through the mask. Note the Ion mistake was to glue it onto the skeleton in the early phases so it's not 100% straight which is a bit of a shame

I've painted 'ar coat over the hatch window.This shot also shows just how well Ushabti Bone highlights Averlund Sunset


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