Space Testicles
Been doing a bit more work on my Tyrannocytes. They're a big model, standing 9" tall and 7"wide once their tentacles have been attached. I'm worried about being able to transport them so have decided to magnetise the tentacles; that reduces the model to only 4" wide which should fit in a KR case.
I also want the option to swap the weapons over so have magnetised those up as well. This lets me match weaponry to the payload. So if I'm transporting a load of Zoanthropes, I'll put barbed stranglers on the Tyrannocyte and give it five large blasts. That's on the grounds that the Zoanthropes are unlikely to want to get to close to the nearest target and won't be at risk of blasts scattering back on them. However, if I fill it full of gants, I'll go with deathspitters and not have any risk of hitting the massive blob of troops I've just put on the board.
I'm still undecided on the model - they really do look like someone just put armour and tentacles on a scrotum. Maybe I'll come to love them when they are painted up. They'll certainly bring great utility to the army.
Other hobby progress:
I also want the option to swap the weapons over so have magnetised those up as well. This lets me match weaponry to the payload. So if I'm transporting a load of Zoanthropes, I'll put barbed stranglers on the Tyrannocyte and give it five large blasts. That's on the grounds that the Zoanthropes are unlikely to want to get to close to the nearest target and won't be at risk of blasts scattering back on them. However, if I fill it full of gants, I'll go with deathspitters and not have any risk of hitting the massive blob of troops I've just put on the board.
I'm still undecided on the model - they really do look like someone just put armour and tentacles on a scrotum. Maybe I'll come to love them when they are painted up. They'll certainly bring great utility to the army.
Other hobby progress:
- Matt varnished eighty-four gants, a harpy, a hive crone and a couple of gene stealers
- Got the Dimachereon out, trimmed it off the sprue and gave it a bath
- Same for the barbed hierodule
- Assembled the Swarmlord
- Primed these dudes:
Quite pleased with the coverage given by the Halfords primer and the fact that it hasn't destroyed any of the detail.
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