Gaming Stag

All day gaming at The Titans yesterday to celebrate multiple matrimonies at the club. Gave me a chance to roadtest my two new battlemats: frontline gaming's urban combat 1 and urban combat 2.

They're designed so that they can be used side by side. The roads will run into each other, though the colouring is slightly different, with one being distinctly darker than the other. Still, I'm pretty pleased. Am really looking forward to staging our big Tyranid vs Dark Angels city fight on these with all my urban terrain on it.

The game was fantastic with Blood Angels and Salamanders vs Ultramarines & Eldar, 5,000 points each side. Both sides were closely matched, it got very tactical and there was fighting in every part of the eight by six board.

Both sides reserved heavily in the first turn

Eldar and Ultramarine forces hold back in cover

Blood Angels surge onto the board in a combined drop pod and Stormraven assault

Deep striking Warp Spiders destroy a Razorback

The Blood Angels and Salamanders quickly achieved air superiority

Ultramarines cluster around an objective and make ready to fire upon deepstriking Sanguinary Guard

The other game was a massive 7,500pt a side 30k match. I shudder to think how many thousands of pounds of resin were on those tables. All money well spent, as it looked amazing.

Captain Morgan deep strikes onto the board

My favourite model of the whole day was the Mega Bastion. Its what happens when you combine four bastion kits together and its absolutely bloody awesome.


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