Tyranid Phase Three Progress

Phases one and two of the Tyranid project have been complete for some time now. Together they consist of 140 models, roughly a half of the total I envisage having.

Phase three was started before Christmas and consists of a flyrant, a harpy, a hive crone, a tervigon, a hive tyrant and sixty-five termagants. All models were assembled and base coated last year and I've now got round to spending some serious time on the termagants. As the photos below show, they now just need the bases doing and then a quick spray of anti-shine varnish. They aren't the finest work I've ever done, but given that I'm producing at high volume, I'm quite happy with them.

Some are armed with fleshborers so that I have something to spawn out of the tervigon, but most have devourers. The idea of a pack of thirty termagants pumping out ninety strength four shots is an extremely appealing one.


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