Grey Knights Phase 2 - Termies Complete

It's my wife's birthday so one of her presents from me to her was me taking some time off work to be at home.

This worked particularly well as I also got some painting time. This allowed me to finish off my terminators and I'm particularly pleased with these ones.

I'm also showing off my librarian. This chap is a modified fine cast terminator librarian. I chopped his arms off and gave him grey nights arms. I also peppered him with as much Grey Knight regalia as was possible without going over the top. I'm really pleased with how he turned out.

Land raider is also coming on fine. The next set of shots you will see of the vehicle will be when it is completed and just ready for weathering.


Justicar - ready with his force [broad] sword

Shooting the the face

Ready to swing with a daemon hammer

Converted librarian

Psycannon goodness

Ready to get all Samuari on the next poor enemy


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