Grey Knights Phase 2. Progress update

There's a lot to paint in the Nemesis Vanguard Box set as you will have seen from my phase 1 post.

I've therefore decided to focus on the Grey Knight terminators and the land raider and will move onto the Grey Knight marines and Nemesis Dreadknight in due course.

First up are the photos of the terminators. The main armour has now had 3 levels of highlights and the only things left to do now are the helmets, bases and highlighting of of the finer details including cloths, metallics, halberds etc. In short another 4-5 hours work then we're all done.

Second set of photos are of the land raider. All grey knight vehicles have a unique red/white coat of arms on the front consisting of red and white stripes and a number of sword/skull motifs.

The last time I had to do this was on the storm raven. On that occasion I hand-painted the motifs using masking tape to ensure straight lines.

This time however I've opted for the GW spray paints and they make a significant difference. Spray paints are brilliant because they leave a perfect, thin finish on the models which is noticeably than brushing them on. I'll be stocking up on the Mephiston red spray paint as it will come in very useful.

There's still a lot to do on the land raider. The red/white motif needs tidying up, edges need highlighting and there's still quite a bit to do on details around the vehicle....most importantly however, there's the weathering to do.

I plan to use this land raider as a test for forge world weathering powders (planning to buy the modelling book and the whole set next month).

This test will be very important as it will pave the way for my next project...the mighty Fell Blade.


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