Merry Christmas From The Great Devourer
I was given a wonderful range of Tyranid models for Christmas and I've been frantically assembling them. Two weekends of snipping and gluing have yielded this:
Without a doubt my favourite models are the ones from the new Venomthrope/Zoanthrope kit. They are so much easier to put together than the old finecast versions and look great.
Runner up is the new prime model in the warrior kit. You can get some great poses out of them and the weapon choices have improved so much that I ended up making three. This guy's my favourite:
This brings my total Tyranid model count up to 240, of which only 120 are painted. Given that this is very much a spray and dip army, it shouldn't be a problem to get them all done for the summer. That will give me an apocalyptic 8,000 points. And that is before adding any forgeworld goodies from my forthcoming trip to Warhammer World at the end of the month.
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