
Five days until the big battle and the Ulthwe contingent has been reinforced by unconventional means. These rather gorgeous models were on e-bay and had been painted to a really high standard, so I couldn't say no. The original owner had bought them off of Golem Painting Studios and, on the basis of this sample, I'd have to say they know what they are doing

The most impressive model is the wraith-knight. He's pictured here with the sword and shield configuration but the model has been completely magnetised so every possible option is available. So when the 7th edition eldar codex comes out and GW hits sun-cannons with the nerf bat, it can be readily changed (my predication is that the sword will be made into a D weapon and become viable, but we'll see).

Also bought a load of fire dragons (useful for flambéing Imperial Knights) and a load of rangers (not so useful, but too well painted to say no to).

The bases were originally very attractively done snow bases, but it didn't match the rest of the army so they had to go.

I wish I knew how he got the shading on the helmets as its massively superior to the sepia washes I've been using


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