Dark Angels Army (most of it)

I'd be wrong if I said that Horde of Hoards hadn't started to become convinced that he already had our 10,000 point battle already wrapped up. In fact, so sure is he that the mighty Eldar will prevail, that I have been victim to numerous messages reminding me of the thrashing the Imperials will get this weekend. The Eldar war machine is impressive, and as a measured Imperial player I am all too aware of the threats of the Mechdar/ Dark Eldar threat that we face. However, it would also be foolish to allow the Eldar all the airtime and as such here's a quick shot of the Dark Angel / Imperial Knight element of the army- this excludes the land raider, dreadnought and a detachment of grey Knights, but gives a good feel of the power armour available. Let's be clear- the Imperials are out -numbered in every department except flyers, but what they lack in man power and tanks, they make up for in bolters, power amour and honour! This is one fight the space pixies won't find easy....


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