John's April Hobby Progress
I’ve decided that this year is not going to be about cranking out another army. I have an Iron Hands army for 30k that I really enjoy playing with and following the Drukhari codex dropping this month, I also have a very viable option for 40k battles. There isn’t a pressing need to get anything done for purposes of gaming, which is a really nice place to be. Instead I want this year to be about skilling up: getting across more painting techniques and becoming faster and better at performing them. To that end, I attended my third Cult of Paint course of this year. The Basic Brush skills course was a revelation: it made me reassess how I was holding the brush, thinning paints, loading the brush, and applying paint. It also taught me about basic blending. The day was really relaxed, there was plenty of one to one teaching and everyone seemed to get things out of it no matter what their skill level. Out of all of the courses I’ve done it’s probably my favourite. I painted the legs ...