Hobby Progress July 16 - 30k in HD

I've got myself a shiny new DSLR camera, so this month's update will feature much clearer pics. The painting standard will unfortunately be the same, but you'll be able to see the blotches and mistakes in much more detail.

I'm super happy to have finished my first two tactical squads. The first squad is one of Autek Morr's lot (clan Morragul). The second is clan Ungavarr, who have a cool snakey, hydra style symbol. They're probably alpha legion infiltrators...
Clan Morragul

They're a different squad honest...

I've also put the arms on the contemptor. I had a bit of a nightmare with him when I used some Vallejo matt varnish on his breast plate and it went frosty and streaky. I've managed to correct most of it, but its annoying as I had a really good finish on him. Needless to say the Vallejo varnish has been sacked in favour of the much more reliable army painter anti-shine varnish.

I've also slapped Clan Garsak across the big guy's arm when he is actually covered in clan Raukaan symbols. Hopefully the real Iron Hand nerds will be so busy flaming me for using MkIV armour instead of MkIII that they won't notice.

Note the blood caked claw

Now that I have my basic troops requirement filled I can start work on the more interesting heavy support and elite units. Hopefully I should have at least one of those units finished for the August update.Until then here's a team photo of the units that have been fully painted to date:


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