The Beginning of the End

Am very pleased to be reaching the end stages of the Tyranid Apocalypse project. In typical fashion for me I'm working on more than thirty models at once and as a result my work table looks like a mad wizard's workshop. One extra session will see a lot of these models ready for matt varnishing.Plan is to have everything tabletop ready by the beginning of October.

Pic 1: got a load of tyrannocytes, carnifexes and hive tyrants that are fully painted and just need the sand to be applied to their base. There's also a load of zoanthropes, venomthropes and mucolid spores that are being painted. Finally there are the hierodules which I'm just starting to paint.

Pic 2: a load of gaunts are having foliage and grass added to their base and there is a hive crone part way through painting.


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