Tyranid Muster
I'd lost track of how many Tyranid models I'd bought and how far I was on with the painting, so I decided to get them all out and put them on a table. They're an impressive sight but there's a lot of white models left to tackle. Fortunately the paint scheme is a very quick one and I'm really looking forward to painting what I have left. I've got the less interesting small models largely out of the way and am now progressing on to complete the painting on the big guys.
In total the swarm consists of 329 models. 245 are painted leaving 84 in various stages of painting. Of the 84, not all are going to be vital for the first big game which is in October so the task should be manageable.
The complete list is:
The horde in all of its glory |
The first wave of painting has largely concentrated on the smaller guys |
There's still a lot of the big models left to do though. The two Trygons and the Tyranofex give you an idea of how they will look |
Really looking forward to getting paint on the large forge world models. The scythed hierodule's arms aren't attached yet as I'll need to paint them separately and attach them later. |
Four carnifexes with twin linked devourers are going to put out an impressive 48 twin-linked S6 shots |
The paint job is simple: slap a bit of purple and red on, then dip and base |
We're going to need a bigger board.... |
In total the swarm consists of 329 models. 245 are painted leaving 84 in various stages of painting. Of the 84, not all are going to be vital for the first big game which is in October so the task should be manageable.
The complete list is:
- Termagants with devourers - 70
- Termagants with fleshborers - 51
- Hormogaunts - 40
- Genestealers - 54
- Hive guard - 3
- Biovore - 3
- Spore mines - 36
- Tyrant guard - 2
- Broodlord - 2
- Tyranid warriors with barbed strangler - 3
- Tyranid warriors with venom cannon - 2
- Tyranid warriors with deathspitter - 9
- Tyranid warriors with boneswords - 3
- Prime with lashwhip and rending talons - 3
- Prime with lashwhip and scything - 1
- Trygon - 2
- Carnifex with scything talons - 3
- Carnifex with devourers - 4
- Carnifex with venom cannon - 1
- Carnifex with old style devourers - 1
- Tyranofex with rupture cannon - 1
- Hive crone - 2
- Harpy - 1
- Venomthropes - 4
- Neurothropes - 2
- Zoanthropes - 4
- Mucolids - 3
- Raveners - 8
- Dimchaeron - 1
- Barbed hierodule - 1
- Scythed hierodule - 1
- Tervigon - 1
- Tyrannocyte - 2
- Exocrine - 1
- Swarmlord - 1
- Hive tyrant with venom cannon - 1
- Winged hive tyrant - 2
....and that excludes the Hierophant who is still in his forgeworld bag. Time to get painting.
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