
Have played a couple of games of 7th edition 40k now and have found that the new psychic phases means there is a real benefit to having your psykers as mobile as possible. In 6th edition most of my psychic activity went off in at the start if the turn, so there was no opportunity to redeploy my psykers to a better position. Now everything happens immediately after movement and there is real advantage in being able to move my psykers to where they are needed.

The simple answer is Farseers on jetbikes. This gives a 12" move prior to the psychic phase and an opportunity to redeploy the psyker back out of harms way using the assault move. Unfortunately GW don't do a kit for this and I really don't like the chaperhouse kit that is available:

The answer was to buy a pack of three eldar jetbikes from my local GW and use bits left over from dire avengers and guardian sets (and a knights panther cloak from my empire knights) to build two farseers with singing spears and an autarch with power weapon and force shield.

Haven't put the engine cowlings on yet as they will be easier to paint without them

Farseer with helmet - probably the best result from the batch

Autarch - he needs a bit of green stuff around the waist, but otherwise good to go

Farseer with bare head. The head is out of the guardians pack and is a bit pedestrian. Thinking about removing it and going with a head from the sisers of averlorn high elves kit

As always, one GW purchase leads to another and am now considering getting some more jetbikes to go with these guys. The current eldar jetbike models are very old with blocky single poses so I'll have to use guardian torsos and heads to give them a bit of dynamism


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