IXth Legion Blood Angels Xiphon

John and I attended a painting course with MKA Studios, held at Firestorm games in Cardiff.

This was John's first visit so I'll leave it to him to describe what he thought of it for another time.

I joined the flyer course and opted to paint a Xiphon to accompany my Fire Raptor.

The results are below.

I'm pleased with the result overall, but slightly disappointed that the red didn't come out more "firey", as it had done with my assault marines. The key learning from this is that I need to be bolder with my white on the pre-shade phase. I need to ensure that the white is a) stronger and b) covers more of the aircraft so that the mid and shadows take up a lower proportion of the model.

This is far easier to do on an infantry model than on a big model so it's something to bare in mind when I start my Leviathan and its drop pod!


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