Hobby Progress June 16 - Dreadnoughts, Marines and Battle Mats

I fancied a change of pace from legion marines, so I decided to get stuck into one of my B@C contemptors this week. He's not quite finished - he needs de-glossing where I've added transfers, he needs weathering and the base needs work. Oh, and his arms need putting on, but apart from that he's shaping up well. I've used quite a lot of brass on this one to make the hips and legs more interesting. I've also gone nuts with transfers on the arms and managed to get one transfer to sit very nicely on the scrollwork on the front. Am now trying to work out whether to put some fresh blood on the close combat weapon. As a detail its a bit 'world-eatery' but it will contrast wonderfully with the blue-metal claw.

Also started work on the second tactical squad with five bolter dudes. They need to be sprayed down with matt varnish to take the gloss off the base and the transfers, but otherwise all done. Went for clan Morragul markings with this squad as I'll be using Autek Mor as my big boss. Would have used Morragul for all squads, but you only get 15 transfers of each clan on the forgeworld sheet and I'm buggered if I'm buying an extra sheet.

Three cans of Chaod Black spray later and I've also got all this lot base coated. Lovely. 

I've celebrated this not too momentous achievement by buying some Mars terrain gaming mats from GamermatEU. Probably a bit early as I have a grand total of ten marines and one rhino completed with Martian basing, but one of the mats was a limited edition and I didn't want to miss out

Tales Of Mars

Forges of Mars


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