IX'th Legion Army List
Now that I have a Betrayal at Calth (B@C) box set and Book 6 of the Horus Heresy, it's about time that I pull together my army list before I start building all my kits.
The BA have two rites of war; The "Day of Revelation" rite of war is assault focused, forcing the player to use the two compulsory troop choices as Assault units, and allowing them to deep strike in Turn 1. Units that do deep strike have a 5+ cover save, and all shooting attacks are pinning.
The second rite of war, 'The Day of Sorrows', main benefit is that units at less than 50% strength get FNP, but there's a negative impact on the squad in that they effectively count as having been destroyed at the end of the game for victory purposes.
I've built a 3000 point force. It's probably tactically rubbish, and doesn't use two of my models: the contemptor from the B@C box and my deredeo. I would have liked to have for these in but I'm struggling to see where.
The other issue that I have is that 30 of the marines have jump packs....GW doesn't sell MkIV jump packs separately so I need to think about how I model my marines...or if I have to invest in another type of jet pack.
Here's the list it's 3022 points. The thinking around the tactics is below.
HQ1: 205
Praetor, Artificer Armour, digital Lazers, Melta Bombs, Jump Pack, Paragon Blade, Inferno Pistol, Iron Halo
HQ2: 177
Legion Librarian, Mastery Level 2, Cataphractii Terminator armour, Volkite Charger, Blade of perdition
Elite 1: 340
Legion Command Squad, Artificer Armour, +2 Chosen, Melta Bombs, Jump Packs, 3x inferno pistols, 4x power weapons, 1 x power fist, Banner
Elite 2: 225
Legion Terminator Squad, Illiastus Assault Cannon, 2 x chain fists, 2 x power axes, Sergeant has lightening claws
Troop 1: 490
Legion Assault Squad, +5 Marines, combat shields, 3x Power Axes, 3x Inferno pistols, Nuncio Vox, Sergeant with Artificer Armour, Thunder Hammer, Melta Bombs
Troop 2: 435
Legion Assault Squad, +5 Marines, 3x Power Axes, 3x Inferno pistols, Nuncio vox, Sergent with Artificer Armour, Thunder Hammer, Melta Bombs
Troop 3: 225
Legion Tactical Squad, Sergent with nuncio vox, Artificer armour, combi melta, power axe, all in a drop pod
Fast Attack: 305
Storm Eagle, Twinlinked Multimelta, 2 x Twin linked Las Cannons, Armoured Ceramite, Hell Strike Missiles
Heavy Support 1: 200
Legion Fire Raptor, Reaper auto cannon Battery, Hell strike missiles
Heavy Support 2: 390
Leviathan Siege Dreadnought, Heavy Flamers upgraded to 2 x Illiastus Assault Cannons, Grav Flux Bombard, Armoured Ceratite, Dreadnought Drop pod
The "Tactics"
Command Squad and 2 x assault squads (36 men) will deep strike along with the Leviathan. The Leviathan will head for the nearest big tank whilst troops will use melts to crack open rhinos and where they are cracked open, and assault what troops they can.
The storm eagle will house the librarian and terminators, this will deep strike (or fly on) along with the fire raptor to support.
The second drop pod with the tactical will then drop in turn two.
There are so many holes in this army I'm not sure where to begin:
Half the army drops in turn 1 and has virtually no heavy support.
The other half is subject to the mercy of reserve rolls and tank busting capability is limited to a storm eagle and the Leviathan. Finally, there is no armour in this either
- Chilli Kebab
There is some good stuff in this list:
Leviathans are complete beasts and delivery by dreadnought is definitely the way to go. Load out looks pretty cool. Will be very effective against armour, just drop him near it
A fire raptor gives you great anti infantry, anti light armour and anti-air
Terminator squad is great but you might want to think about a couple more guys to give it oomph. Don't put the Lightning claws on the sergeant as he'll suck in challenges against all of the artificer armour out there.
Storm eagle is a solid choice and las cannons are the way to go. It will get malleted the second it goes into hover mode to drop off its cargo though.
The praetor seems outfitted well enough if you're going to put him in an assault squad.
Unusual choices
Command squad represents a very fragile asset for the cost. You can buy ten terminators more cheaply. Apart from the power fist they are going to struggle with TEQ.
Assault marines aren't amazing for the points, but if you are going to do this rite I suppose you'll want to go big or go home. Just don't deep strike those fifteen man squads beside a Typhon (note to self, must buy Typhon). Would reconsider the shields - better off fighting with two weapons and saving the points.
What's the librarian there to do? Not sure which discipline you want to run and why. He's an expensive asset, so you might want to consider swapping him for more terminators.
What is the third tactical squad there to do? Would be tempted to take your derideo instead
Rules problems
Don't think the assault squads can run three inferno pistols and three power axes. I think this is an either/or.
Tactical squads can't take legion drop pods as dedicated transport. You'll have to shell out for an anvillus at 100 points
My biggest concern with this list is that it is a halfway house. Half of the army will arrive in turn one and the the rest will come on as and when reserve rolls allow. This means your opponent can deal with you piecemeal. To remedy this I would be tempted to swap the storm eagle for a dreadclaw drop pod and get your terminators on in turn one to support the assault squads. You would need the tactical squad in an anvillus to make sure the drop pod assault rule works. I'd also be tempted to swap the fire raptor out for options that can hit hard in turn one: a javelin speeder squadron, a derideo, some artillery. You could take something with serious anti-armour punch such as a venator.
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