IX'th Legion - New model, new photos

Quick update from my side.

I've now coloured both a Fire raptor and Deredeo dreadnought and prepared them for decal application.

Since FW haven't released a set of decals for 30k Blood Angel yet, I've approached Fallout Hobbies to prepare some custom ones for me. I'm a little worried because I've paid them and haven't heard from them in a week so I hope something's happening!

Anyway, I've taken the opportunity to push the white pre-shade highlights on the dreadnought a bit further but using a brush with white on the hard edges. This allows the white to really stand out over the other air brushed areas. The result looks pretty good.

I've also had some photography tips from one of the guys on the MKA Studio paint course. These are by far the best photos I have ever taken and I will be using these techniques going forward

I now ave a work trip coming up....I plan to use the down time in my hotel to build my Blood Angel army, now that I've purchased the Retribution book.


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