Grey Knights Land raider

Well I've now got my Land raider to a point where all that is left is the weathering. If I'm being honest there are elements that I am pleased with and others that could have been better.

The highlighting has worked really well on this piece, I love painting this colour scheme, it's very simple, but also really striking. Equally, I think the forge world doors and the stripes on the side have worked well too.

However I'm still not convinced with the transfers - so much so that I needed up doing some free hand scribing to fill up some empty spaces on the white areas and add something more to the vehicle.

All in all, I think the land raider will look lovely with the other models on the table, but on it's own it needs something more....

...just as well that I now have my Modelling masterclass book and will be buying some weathering powders.

My gut feel is that my weathering will have the following elements to it:
1) Paint chipping
2) Light elements of rust - but want to keep this light
3) Light list effets on the the tracks and deposits in the corners
4) A very little dried mud
5) Soot staining in smoke outlets.

Looking forward to the next phase on this.

Outstanding Grey knights are still a Nemesis dread knight and 15 Grey Knights...My sense is that I'm getting a little fatigue on this colour scheme now, so my next post will be either the weathering of this land raider...or the build phase for my fell blade - can't wait.


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