4,000pt Game With New Dark Eldar Codex

If you take my Dark Eldar army and remove the wyches (which are now, sadly, the least useful unit in 40k) you get a force that weighs in at about 4,000 points. To celebrate this fact we played a 4,000 point battle against the Dark Angels, fighting it out for control of a long ruined city. The game (Crusade with a Dawn of War deployment) was carnage, with a suitably high body count on both sides. We shot a load of video which hopefully we will be able to stitch together into some form of battle report, but in the meantime here are a few pics of the action.

An Imperial Knight lumbers onto the field of battle

Dark Eldar consolidate around one of the ruined buildings

'What's that whistling sound?', unsuspecting Dark Eldar raiders moments before a drop pod assault comes down on their position

Heavy plasma devastators ready to ambush their prey
A Razorwing prepares to unleash its payload of monoscythe missiles
A Ravenwing command squad making full use of its Skilled Rider status

This Incubi's world is about to get a lot hotter


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